Sunday, March 15, 2009

Alicia the apprentice chef

Alicia is a very keen helper whenever anyone goes into the kitchen. Did I say "keen"? Perhaps "insistent" is a better way of putting it. Whether you're making breakfast for the kids, or simply attempting to get yourself a quiet cup of coffee, Alicia will rush into the kitchen and demand to be put on the bench, so that she can "help" you. The first photo is a typical shot of Alicia at work with her Mum. The second is more of an aftermath shot, when Alicia demanded to "help" her Dad when he was stuffing some spinach and riccotta cannelloni tubes. She has a lot of fun. Daddy, on the other hand, wasn't quite as enthusiastic about the experience, particularly the "cleaning up" part.

Lucas and his Lego

Lucas has quite a decent collection of lego to date. The vast majority of these kits are cars. Here we see Lucas with some of his creations, built all by himself (with only minimal supervision from Daddy). The cars are set kits, but the barge was all his own work!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A visit to Manly...

We recently went on a visit up to Manly for a long-overdue catch up with Paul and Athena Kelcey. While we were there, we decided to take advantage of the beach. The Kelceys (who, by the way, are just about to increment their head count) showed us a nice, out-of-the way little beach where we had a lot of fun. A fun time, and a great day. We must get back over there for another visit, once things have settled down a bit..