Saturday, May 2, 2009

Lucas' early Birthday party

Due to the fact that we will be permanently relocated to Melbourne by the time Lucas' fifth birthday rolls around, we thought it might be a good idea to have an early birthday party, so that we could still scam a bundle of presents off his Sydney friends. Lucas was very keen to have a "pirate" party (mainly so he could dress up), so that was what we went with.

In an all-too-typical display of laziness, Mum and Dad once again had the event hosted at a play centre, this time a nice place in Five Dock called Corner Cubbyhouse. Lots and lots of gear to run, bounce and play on, the kids all had a ball. After an initial free-play session, we all got called into the party room, and Lucas got to sit on his throne, and officiate at the banquet. Everyone had a fantastic time. All Lucas' friends from mother's group were there, as well as some from child care.

Alicia was a teensy bit high maintenance, but not too bad overall. We suspect that those two-year-old molars are starting to cause trouble, but it could simply be that she is wasting no time getting stuck into the "terrible twos" phase of her life.