Sunday, September 27, 2009

Alicia Therese...

Alicia decided that the regular cycle of two hair-washes per week just wasn't meeting her personal hair-care requirements, and therefore took the matter into her own hands.

After cleaning her up, Mummy finally had to resort to her current #1 favourite activity in order to keep her out of trouble - playing with her sticker book.

Lawnmower boy

Mummy and Daddy finally bit the bullet, and decided to address the issue of the minor jungle growing in their front yard. Part of the plan of attack involved renting the services of a lawn mower. As you can probably imagine, Lucas was incredibly eager to help out in that respect. After a couple of stern warnings to keep his hands in the right place, Lucas finally got to push the mower around a bit. He actually did a pretty good job, too!

Marjory Daw

The Streits came to visit the other weekend, and both sets of kids had a lot of fun together. Lucas and Hugh, and Alicia and Elisabeth played so well together, the parents were able to sit down, relax and almost pretend they didn't have kids for a little while. Then reality came crashing back in, so we went to the park for a play. Lots of fun was had by all, it will truly be a shame to see them leave Melbourne for good at the end of the year.

The Birtwistles come to stay!

Lucas and Alicia were very excited to have Oscar up to visit (oh, yeah and his parents). The days were filled with lots of fun things, including: Deon's birthday, a trip to the aquarium, and countless trips to the park. Not to mention the fact that Lucas and Ossie pretty much built Lucas' entire collection of LEGO kits over the course of his visit. It was such a fun time, and both boys were more than a little sad when they finally had to leave. We're all looking forward to Christmas, when all the Bird cousins get together again!

Dress ups

A couple of cute shots - Lucas and Alicia all rugged up, and all dressed up as Captain Lucas, the scourge of the seven seas, with his cabin girl Alicia, the meanest pirate fairy this side of the Pacific.