Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas (and birthdays) in Tassie!

This year, the Melbourne branch of spent the Christmas down in Tassie, as well as celebrating quite a few birthdays that occur around this time. An auspicious occasion, as all of Daddy's siblings (as well as their families) were there as well.

Crowded? Quite possibly...

Fun? Absolutely - just look at the proof!

Scooter girl

Another attempt at movie publishing, we'll see how this goes...

Alicia had an absolute ball down in Tassie (see photos above), but possibly her highlight was zooming around on a hand-me-down electric scooter from Bella Degetto. Here's a small sample of her driving skills...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas preparations

Even though the Melbourne branch of the Bird family was spending their Christmas in Launceston this year, Lucas and Alicia were still quite keen to put up and decorate a tree.

Dad and Mum were quite chuffed with the kids' festive spirit. And the kids were quite chuffed in return, because when we got back home from our Christmas holiday in Tassie, we discovered that Santa had made an extra trip and dumped even MORE presents under the aforementioned tree! Cha-ching!