Sunday, October 17, 2010

Wiggles karaoke extravaganza

Time for another video treat (fingers crossed). This time, Lucas and Alicia take each other on in a karaoke sing-off! I knew that SingStar Playstation game would come in handy one day!

Clowning around

This morning Alicia made Daddy (only recently recovered from a wisdom tooth extraction) crack open the face paint once more. Daddy was just getting ready to paint in the standard "butterfly on my face" pattern that Alicia knows and loves, when she asked for a clown pattern instead!

Daddy did his best to comply, here are the results...

Alicia seems quite happy with the results, but personally, there's something about clowns that freaks me out.

I'll let her form her own opinions on the matter - for now, she's having fun.

Monday, October 11, 2010

New garden!

Last weekend was a very busy one for the Birds, as we planted some new bushes and shrubs in the patch near our fence and bedroom wall. Lucas helped Daddy collect the mulch from the gardening outlet, and Alicia helped Mummy with the planting and watering.

After all that helping, they were too tired to help Daddy and Mummy cover the plants with mulch, and settled instead on spraying each other with the hose.

Best buddies (for the moment)

A rare, but welcome moment of sibling camaraderie... 


Alicia and Lucas showed us some of their tricks the other day, and we were very amused. Possibly not in the way that our performers intended, but nonetheless, amused.