Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas in Melbourne

(Beat you this time Mel - nyer, nyer, ner-nyer ner!)

The Birds had a wonderful Christmas Day here in Melbourne. To start off, we had a nice little family gathering under the tree, where we proceeded to loot it of all its presents. Both kids were quite happy with their hauls this year!

After that, we went over to the Hohwy-Barclays to celebrate Christmas lunch with them. A lot of fun and cheer (not to mention food!) was had by all. Right now, we're all just focusing on digesting (no need for dinner!), and resting up for our big road trip up to Sydney via Wodonga!

Here's wishing that you've all had a Merry Christmas as well, and hope to see you soon!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Story time...

For years now, the Bird parents have been reading stories to their children. They have been very happy and comfortable in the role, up until now. It would seem that someone else is keen to take over the role of story teller! Perhaps we'll subcontract the position out for a probationary period, and see how it turns out...

Friday, December 10, 2010


Lucas' third baby tooth has fallen out!

Queensland holiday

My goodness, has it been THAT long since the last update? How the time flies. Profuse apologies to all our avid followers here on, here at last are some long-overdue snapshots of our recent holiday trip to Brisbane, which we underwent well over a month ago!