Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Party first, birthday second...

So, today is Lucas' actual birthday, and despite a fairly agressive campaign of pleading and whining to the parents, we held out on giving him his "Mum and Dad" presents until this morning. He wasn't too happy prior to this morning, but the annoyance quickly melted from his face once he saw his gargantuan pile of presents!

He was up at about 6:30am, but we managed to hold him off from opening the presents until about 7:00. Alicia doesn't normally rise this early (ever), but was coaxed into coming out and helping with the unwrapping.

Alas, he still had a day of school to go to, but he did get choice of tonight's meal (spaghetti bolognaise), and we topped off the evening with the remains of Saturday's birthday cake. It was going a bit green, but we just assumed that was mostly just the coloured coconut topping...

A slumber party!

Lucas had a slightly different sort of birthday celebration this year - his first ever slumber party! He was quite keen, despite being duly informed by his parents that it would necessarily mean a drastically reduced invite list. So, we had Lewey, Evan, Connor and Toby over on the Saturday afternoon, and they (mostly) stayed over until Sunday morning.

After critiquing Dad's soccer-themed birthday-cake-making efforts, it was off to sidetracked for an afternoon of fun and games. The boys played on the dodgem cars...

... and on the laser force.

At the end of both activities, they were given a choice: $10 worth of tokens each to spend on the arcade games, or another session of laser force. Have a guess what they decided. Go on...

After a fun time shooting each other, it was back home for some pizza. Home-made? Oh, no - Lucas was the boss for the evening, and he explicitly wanted delivered pizza. Fine by me...

Then, we burnt off a bit of energy by having an evening run-around in the park with torches and sparklers, then it was back inside for the birthday cake.

After that, we watched a LEGO DVD movie, and then it was bedtime!

Lots of fun, and a great day's worth of activities! Sadly, we lost Toby before the sleep-over started (he had to be up early for a footy game on Sunday), and we also lost Lewey, who really, REALLY likes his sleep, and was unable to get any with all the giggling and whispering that was going on. They eventually got to sleep, but the three remaining survivors were rather bleary-eyed the next morning!