Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Fireside meditations

An exciting day, today - we got our new fireplace installed. It's not real, of course, but it's very, very convincingly fake. Looks HEAPS nicer than the old heater we had there previously, and it actually works a treat to boot - very toasty!

Here we see Lucas and Alicia getting to know their inner selves as they contemplate the flames...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Happy Birthday Alicia (part IV)

And finally, in this the fourth and final instalment of Alicia's sixth birthday chronicles, we finally come to the most exciting part - adopting two new pets!

Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce Cutie (brown) and Flopsie (grey). Alicia has been over the moon ever since they arrived, and has not stopped cuddling them. This is a good thing, because apparently the more you handle rabbits when they're young, the more placid they become with handling as adults.

They seem a little nervous (and who can blame them), but hopefully they'll settle in well and make themselves at home. Right now, they're all bedded up in their "indoors hutch" (a.k.a. Big Cardboard Box), and about to go to sleep in Alicia's room.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Happy Birthday Alicia (part III)

Our third and penultimate instalment of Miss Alicia Therese's birthday celebration occurred today at Magic Moments in Hampton, where Alicia and her friends were magically transported to Fairy Land, courtesy of their own personal fairy princess! She played lots of fun games with them, had them dancing and singing along, and put on a wonderful Fairy Banquet for them. (Apparently, fairies are quite keen on party pies and sausage rolls - who would  have picked that?)

Lots of fun was had by all, particularly Miss Alicia, who was very, very comfortable sitting in the birthday throne, handing out treats and party bags to her entourage. (We might have to keep an eye on that...)

PS. Rabbits will (hopefully) be arriving Tuesday, stay tuned...