Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Adapting to a new environment

Part of the reason it's taken us so long to actually move to Melbourne was the fact that the house was un-renovated, and had a tiny kitchen and rather illogically-designed bathroom. Well, I say "bathroom", but this is not really an accurate name, given that this room does not, in fact, have a bath.

Anyway, after getting messed around, delayed and charged a bundle of money for an overpriced quote that we couldn't afford, we finally decided to just bite the bullet, move down, and do the renovations after we'd moved in. And as it turns out, the house isn't anywhere as near as bad as we'd imagined. Yes, the kitchen is small (and sans dishwasher), but this has simply forced us to adopt a more rigid and compact approach to cooking and washing.

And the bathroom - well, for every problem, there is a solution. Perhaps not an elegant solution, but a solution nonetheless. Lucas and Alicia actually enjoy having their little solo sessions in the tub!

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