Monday, July 20, 2009

A trip to the snow

The Birds headed up to Wodonga last weekend for a visit with Phil, John, and the Parker family. We also headed up to Mount Buffalo for our first play in the snow! The kids were very excited to be going (all three of them), and we could barely get them to go to bed the night before.

Mount Buffalo is just under two hours from Wodonga, and whilst not a particularly great place for skiing, it's just perfect for toboganning! Lucas and Seth had a ball going down the slopes, and only insisted their dads carry the toboggans back up the hill for them only half the time. Alicia had a lot of fun on the toboggan too, up until the point where she fell off, and got a face full of snow. She discovered (the hard way) that snow is nowhere near as fluffy and soft as portrayed on TV. After that, she was more interested in making show men.

Aside from that one accident, we all had a great day.

PS. Here's my first attempt at uploading a movie - cross your fingers!

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