Sunday, August 9, 2009

Lucas at the MCG!

This weekend was a very exciting event for Lucas, because his "cuz" Seth was coming down for a visit. In and of itself, this is cause for much excitement, because the two boys get along famously. However, Seth was bringing with him four tickets to the MCG, to see the Bombers play it off against the Lions! Both boys (and their dads) were very excited. Seth was even excited on the train ride in to the city (mind you, it was his first time on a train).

The boys were a little overwhelmed by the crowds, but their Dads managed to keep them in line, and Pete sought out and landed some champion seats up high, right near the goal square, with a commanding view of the whole oval! The view was great, but probably the highlight of the game for the two boys was the traditional footy food - pies and chips!

Of course, the boys watched about ten minutes of the game, and then got a little bored with the proceedings. Lucas' dad was able to keep him engaged for a little bit longer by explaining the complex maths involved in the AFL scoring system, but in the end both boys ended up looking over the shoulder of another boy, who was happily playing on his Nintendo DS. Both dads were a little outraged, and started talking about "the good old days", when kids were happy to watch a two hour game with no other distractions. Mostly though, they were happy to leave the boys to their own devices, because it meant they could sit back, grab another beer and enjoy the game themselves!

PS. A bloody draw - what a rip off!

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