Friday, April 30, 2010

Fairy cake thief

In addition to being extremely lazy renovators, the Melbourne branch of the Bird family are, alas, also quite slack when it comes to birthday cakes. Nonetheless, Daddy valiantly decided to make at least a token effort, and made some fairy cakes in preparation for Alicia's birthday, so that she could take them into childcare and have a mini-birthday party with her friends.

The batch turned out OK, aside from the icing, which ended up looking like lumpy, deformed globs of melted butter mixed in with a bit of sugar. Luckily, the hundreds and thousands helped to mask the worst of this culinary abomination.

In addition, it appears that we have an infestation of crabs. One of the cheeky buggers even made off with a fairy cake! Luckily, Lucas caught him in time and "rescued" the cake.

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