Sunday, June 6, 2010

Happy 6th birthday, Lucas!

Today was Lucas' 6th birthday! He was very excited leading up to this one, because Granddad and Daddy had taken him to a bike shop to get measured for a new bike. Which, whilst being all very necessary to ensure that he would fit on his bike and not lose confidence, pretty much destroyed any chance of surprise. Even though we didn't actually purchase the bike in front of him (we sneaked out and got it when he was at school), and despite all our efforts to convince him that he might possibly have been dreaming when we took him to the store, he was adamant that we had "ordered" the bike, and that it would appear in front of him on his birthday. He was right of course, but the lack of surprise didn't really lessen his happiness in any way. And in a surprising twist of fate, we actually had two parties to attend that day - Sacha's (a boy from Lucas' class) from 10am to 12pm, and then Lucas' from 12pm until 2pm. The best part was that Sacha's party was being held at a "traffic school" bike track, so he pretty much got to ride his bike straight away. We couldn't have arranged it better if we tried!

Of course, two kids from the same Prep class having two parties meant that all the kids from Lucas' class got to traipse straight from one to the other as well. Lucas' party was indoors (thank goodness - bloody Melbourne weather!) at a playcentre called Kid Space, and the kids had a ball. All in all, a fantastic day, we just need to go on sugar detox for about a week to get over it!

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