Thursday, July 15, 2010

Would you like some irony with your vegetables?

Getting Alicia to eat her meal at the dinner table these days is never an easy affair, but tonight she was being exceptionally recalcitrant. Every mouthful had to be force-fed (she refuses to feed herself), and we had to "remind" her to stay on her seat between every mouthful.

After finally having stuffed sufficient food into her (and getting truly fed up with the rigamarole), we let her have her way, and she ran off. Two minutes later, we discover the reason she was so eager to leave the table: she had set up her dolly in her high chair, and was feeding her some pretend dinner. I asked whether Dolly was eating her dinner like a good girl, and Alicia said, "Yes, Dolly is a good eater."

If only...

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