Monday, April 30, 2012

Birthday Girl

Well, Alicia's 5th birthday has come and gone, and she's had a marvellous time.

First of all, there was dinner with the Hohwy-Barclays (special guest: Uncle Pat) on the Saturday night with yummy pizzas on the menu.

Sunday morning was the official "party day", with a special pyjama-themed celebration held at Kids Space. We invited lots of friends from Alicia's daycare centre, the vast majority of them turned up, and all present had a fantastic time.

Sadly, this occasion saw the demise of Cedric the snake, who was utterly unable to defend himself from the ravenous hordes. Still, he died in a noble cause...

Of course, once the dust had cleared and we'd all gone home, there was the small matter of the mountain of birthday present to unwrap. A dry and very tedious activity for any five-year old to perform, as I'm sure you'll agree.

 Last but not least, today, being the actual day of her birthday, saw the presents from family and friends being rolled out (in one case, literally), yet another party at child care (with a special ice-cream cake taken in), and a meal of her choice for dinner (being, of course: Mummy's home-made burgers - yum!) She was also inundated with phone calls, and was looking quite pleased with herself, chatting away on the phone to all the well-wishers.


Three parties, a whole weekend (+1 day) of celebration, and a heap of cool presents makes for one very happy five-year-old girl!

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