Monday, May 21, 2012

New bed(s)

Remember this?
I do: it was Lucas' first "proper" bed, and he was so chuffed to help Daddy assemble it, and of course to sleep in it for the first time. Truly, he thought himself a big boy.

Well, times have changed, and we've had to farewell the old, and bring in the new and improved. Behold, the bunk!
No, we're not expecting another (phew!) We really love it when visitors come over, but the only annoying part was continually digging out the mattresses, and then putting them away again. So now we have a permanent spot for visitors to sleep, in the most space-economical fashion we could find. Many thanks to Granddad, who did most of the work putting it together (we figured he'd already done it once before, so he was the best qualified).

Lucas is of course over the moon with his new elevated status, and has settled in quite firmly on the top bunk.

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