Monday, July 30, 2012

A weekend at the snow!

Well, it's been a pretty cold winter so far (colder than last year, at least), so before it was over we thought we might pop up to Wodonga for a visit, and include a trip up to the snow to boot!

Alas, Mt Buffalo (where we went last time) was completely bald, according to the reports! Luckily, Falls Creek came to our rescue, and it was only an extra half an hour away. After a quick stopover in Mt Beauty for some essential supplies (mainly toboggans), we got up to Falls, and deployed over at Windy Corner for some tobogganing fun with the Parker boys! Lucas, being the big tough 8-year old that he is, did not need any parental accompaniment. Alicia, however, was happy to go with pretty much anyone.

After a while, Daddy and Alicia had been tobogganed out, so they set to work on some snowmen! There was a small family of three that ended up getting destroyed by an Aliciasauraus, so after we'd said the eulogy, we set to work on a bigger, more robust specimen. He turned out quite impressive in the end, and we were even able to set him up with a wizard's hat!

Eventually, the kids went back to the slopes for some more helter-skelter fun down the hill. By now, they were bored with plain old toboggans, and decided to experiment with some unorthodox methods of sliding down the mountain.

Let's not forget Lucas, who in his desperation to try snowboarding, decided to make do with the equipment at hand.

And lastly, we're happy to report that Alicia has completely recovered from the trauma of the previous tobogganing episode, and has learned how to fall off a toboggan in a graceful and non-injurious manner.

All in all, a great day out and much fun was had by all. And in just under a month's time, we'll be off to the blisteringly hot tropical weather of Fiji!

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