Sunday, December 30, 2012

Out with the old...

So, among many other cool and awesome presents that Santa dropped off for us in Wodonga, it appears that he still had one thing left over to surprise us with when we got back home.

Uh-oh, what's this? Three enormous (and quite heavy) boxes? It turns out that Santa had noticed that our old trampoline, which was OK for when the kids were six and three, wasn't really cutting the mustard for today's modern eight-and-five-year-old lifestyles. So, he replaced our eight footer with a twelve footer instead!

It's a pity that Santa didn't assemble the darn thing while he was there, but I guess delivery is his specialty, and the elves aren't really comfortable with any assembly work outside the North Pole. So, after a bit of disassembly, disposal, sorting, inventory, and finally assembly (interspersed with the odd bit of sotto-voce cursing), here we are with a brand new, monster trampoline hulking in (and pretty much dominating) our front yard!

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