Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Happy Birthday Alicia (part II)

Well, today being the actual day of her birthday, Alicia had a big surprise to wake up to. Alas, it was not two brand new bunnies awaiting her in the lounge room when she awoke, but it was the next best thing - a hutch in which to put two brand new bunnies!

Top that off with some lovely presents from the rellies and friends (not to mention some cold hard cash from Nanna, along with explicit spending instructions), and she was a very happy camper!

Of course, getting a flat-packed rabbit hutch is only half the fun. The other half is, of course, helping you father to assemble it! Oh, and actually owning and taking care of the rabbits. Hopefully there's some fun to be had in that, too.

Thanks to some well-rendered assistance, the hutch was up in virtually no time at all. As a bonus, it looks like we've found a new "naughty corner" as well.

Finally, some ice-cream cake for dessert to top off a fantastic day. But that's not all folks - stay tuned for the party aftermath report, coming sometime after Sunday...

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