Sunday, March 28, 2010


Well, it's been seven long weeks, but finally our renovations are complete! Our builder has really come through for us, and completed the job in record time (yes, unlike other branches of the Bird family, who will remain nameless, we fully and happily admit to being absolute renovation Gumbies, who are more than happy to sit back and let someone else do the job). They cost a pretty penny, but we couldn't be happier with the results, and they were done far better and faster than we could ever have done ourselves. Just take a look for yourself.

Looking east from the lounge room wall - old and new:

Looking north into the kitchen - old and new:

Looking north-east from the entry hall into the lounge - old and new (note the new location of the bathroom!):

And, last but not least, our new deck. Silly me, I neglected to take "old" shots of the outside to compare it with, but trust me, there's no comparison!

We're just waiting on the splashback for the kitchen to arrive, and the painter needs to put a final coat on a few spots, but other than that, we're done and dusted. And I do mean "dusted"!

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