Sunday, March 28, 2010


Lucas and Alicia always have fun when they go to visit their cousins, and more often that not they end up digging around in Cousin Lewie's costume bag in order to play dress-ups. Cousin Lewie has a fantastic array of costumes to dress up in, so much so that the Bird kids often complain about the fact that they themselves have none.

"Nonsense," I would often protest, "what about that pathetic, last-minute joke of a bat costume that your mother and I spent all of twenty minutes on the other month, the one with the bat-ears that flop down and look like a broken mortar-board cap?" To which Lucas would just give me The Look.

So, I eventually caved in and got Alicia and him a couple of half-decent (and not particularly inexpensive!) costumes straight from K-mart. Now, at least, they're a little happier - behold: Super Girl, and Racer X!

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