Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter in Wodonga

This Easter, we took advantage of the extended public holidays to take a trip up to Wodonga to visit the Matthews clan. Lucas and Seth were inseparable the whole time, and Ty was absolutely smitten with Alicia - lucky for all involved she was gracious enough to let him follow her around!

We had a fantastic few days of holidays - a fun picnic at Yackandandah, a visit to the beautiful Woolshed falls, and various other activities.

And of course, let's not forget the inevitable visit from the Easter bunny, as well as the egg hunt! Or, "hunts", in our case - Lucas and Alicia were extremely fortunate this year, partaking in no less than three separate and distinct egg hunts! Now all we have to do is find a way to reliably ration the intake of the plethora of chocolate sitting in our fridge!

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