Saturday, April 30, 2011

4 year-old girl!

Today was Alicia's birthday - yay! She had been counting down the sleeps since almost the start of the month, and finally the big day arrived!

We started off the day with a bit of present opening - quite a large harvest this year, Alicia was very excited with both the quality and quantity of the presents.

 After that, we were finally able to convince the kids to get themselves dressed, so that they could help Mummy decorate the birthday cake! Mummy was all set to decorate it herself (having been put to shame in previous years by her very creative and artistic sisters-in-law), when Daddy unceremoniously shoved her to one side, claiming it was too hard for someone lacking the Bird artistic flair, and did it for her. Turned out OK, but we've got a bit of practice ahead of us if we're to come close to the Cake Sisters.

We only just finished decorating the cake in time to get to Alicia's party at Bonkers - a lovely little play-gym on the Nepean, and as luck would have it (for us, not the centre), we were the only party-goers there! Alicia and her friends had a fantastic time running around, eating party food and playing on the equipment. Lucas sulked a little bit about having no-one mature enough to play with him, but soon consoled himself with leading the male members of the party astray.

 After the party was over, we came home for a little wind-down time, and then off again to dinner with the Hohwy-Barclays! All in all a fun and fantastic day. And finally, FINALLY, Alicia can stop telling people that she's "free and a HALF".

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