Monday, June 27, 2011

Happy Birthday, Pocket Teddy!

Whilst our dear Aunty Nin was off celebrating her 60th birthday in Tassie last week, we over here in Melbourne had a birthday of a different kind to celebrate. Alicia insisted that this weekend was Pocket Teddy's 2nd birthday. (Yeah, he's called Pocket Teddy because he fits in a pocket - we're not the most original namers in the world, OK?) So, Mummy went and whipped up a delicious chocolate cake, and we helped celebrate his birthday this weekend.

Alicia was happy with the cake, but she seemed to think that Pocket Teddy should also have been given a present. At this point, fearing repeat performances for every one of Alicia's prodigious collection of stuffed toys, Daddy stepped in. He said that was fine, but because Pocket Teddy was Alicia's baby, she would have to pay for his present out of her own pocket money. After that, she kept quiet.

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