Sunday, June 5, 2011

Birthday party bonanza

Saturday was an exciting day for Lucas. His birthday falls on the Monday, so we elected to have his party two days early. Of course, to his mind, this meant that we were actually moving the birthday itself, such that he came into our bedroom early Saturday morning and demanded to know where his presents were. We tried to explain it to him, and although we're fairly certain he understood, he nonetheless felt a bit gypped.

However, he soon cheered up when I got him and Alicia to help put the finishing touches on his birthday cake. Several strips of licorice, smarties, and silver balls later, and space shuttle Scorpio was ready for launch!

Lucas' 7th birthday party was brought to you this year courtesy of In-Sports, an indoor play/sports centre. They started off with some beach volleyball/basketball and races, then after a good one hour of running around, they were shunted into the party room for some eating and (rather loud) festivities. And after that, they rounded off the party with a bit of indoor soccer. Lucas was awarded a big championship trophy at the end of the proceedings, and was very chuffed with the whole affair.

After that, we went home for a bit of quiet time, and Lucas set about constructing the numerous Lego kits that he'd been given for presents. After a while, the cousins came over, and we had a nice quiet dinner party, with Lucas' choice of menu: Lasagne, followed by trifle!

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