Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Labour Day long weekend - Wodonga, here we come (eventually)

Labour Day holiday in VIC last Monday - yay! We took advantage of the long weekend to catch up with the folks from Wodonga. Sadly, we got away way too late (about 4pm Friday), and spent the lion's share of our trip time stuck bumper to bumper in Melbourne traffic. Six hours in total - ouch! This was not helped by Alicia asking "are we in Wodonga yet?" every five minutes or so, starting from when we left the house.

Still, boring trip aside, we had a great time. We caught up with lots of friends and rellies, and Lucas and Alicia had a ball playing with Seth and Ty. Wodonga put on a bit of a carnival for us (they even put an "e" at the end of it - fancy!), and we had lots of fun there too. Alicia in particular really got into the spirit of things!

It was sad to leave, but at the very least, we managed to get a break on the traffic coming back into Melbourne, and the kids spent a lot of time in sleepyland, which was good for all concerned parties.

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