Monday, March 19, 2012

Mordialloc Food and Wine Festival

Last Sunday the Bird family headed south to Mordialloc, to check out the Food and Wine festival that was on over the weekend. We had already been to this event a couple of years ago, but alas, although the kids had a lot of fun on the rides and so forth, the adults were left a little bit disappointed at an apparent lack in quantity/quality of this much-touted "Food and Wine" that we saw on the signs. In the end, we ended up getting a sausage in bread. It was apparently a "gourmet" sausage, but a sausage nonetheless.

This time around, we came with plenty of time to spare (just before lunch as opposed to just before dinner), and with a distinct lack of time pressure coupled with an abundance of daylight, we were free to more fully explore the place. As such, we were far more successful in locating the various food and wine stalls! Result: finicky adults were far more happy, and the kids had just as much fun as last time, so all in all, a fantastic day out!

PS. A word to the wise - if someone offers you a Peking Duck risotto cake, do NOT, under any circumstances, refuse it - yummo!!!

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