Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A-camping we will go...

The Bird family has just come back from spending the Victorian Labour Day long weekend up in Bright. Fancy, quaint little B&B, you ask? Perhaps a five-star bush resort? Hardly - this time around we decided to rough it and go camping at the Bright Holiday Park! "Rough it", of course, being a relative term, as the camp site was equipped with an excellent barbecue area (complete with communal fridge!), a toilet and shower block, and communal garbage and recycling bins. Still, we were required to bring along and construct our own shelter, which we managed without too much hassle. Quite an advancement on the old 3-pole A-frame numbers I grew up with as a lad!

Camping in and of itself is a great little getaway for any family, but it's made infinitely better if you add company! We and a group of families that have gotten to know each other quite well ever since Lucas started Prep at Sandy East all booked a bunch of adjacent camping sites, and had a whole heap of fun together. The kids were happy to ride bikes, swim and paddle in the river and generally run around, while the adults were more than happy to mostly just sit in the river and partake of refreshments!

The sun was a bit relentless over the period (still is, actually, as I type this), but down by the river was like a cool slice of paradise, and that's where we ended up spending most of our time. There is a lot to do and see around Bright, but at camp, and especially by the river, all sense of urgency and planning just evaporated away, leaving you to simply enjoy the moment, and the company of the people you were with.


We were a bit late arriving on the Friday, so the McConkeys very generously fed us that night with some of their spare (absolutely delicious) spaghetti bolognese - thank you! After that, we had a big barbecue the next night, and dinner at the Bright Pub on the Sunday. And many snacks and refreshments in between those meals...

We had an absolutely marvellous time, so much so that we've already made a pact to re-book the exact same place for next year's holiday.

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