Thursday, April 30, 2009

Happy Birthday, Alicia!

Our little girl turned two today. She was very happy and excited about the whole thing. It's just a pity that she had already opened all of the presents that arrived by mail. Mummy and Daddy got her a toy kitchen set for her to play with. She was thrilled with this, along with all the sizzling and boiling noises it makes. Daddy can foresee quite a number of pretend afternoon tea parties in his near future.

For her party, we had a little family meal at our local Italian restaurant. Very friendly, and the kids got to choose the menu for everyone. So, we had spaghetti bolognaise (Lucas), penne carbonara (Alicia) and ham and pineapple pizza (both), all to share. Yum!

No birthday party would be complete without a cake, and Mummy brought along a nice black forest number that she'd picked up from Michel's that afternoon. The kids (and Daddy, in fact) were a little indifferent to her choice of cake, but resolved their issues by simply eating around the yucky bits. Alicia blew the candles out all by herself - most impressive!

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