Saturday, April 4, 2009

Queensland holiday part I

The Bird family recently went for a holiday up in Brisbane, in order to visit family and friends. Our first port of call was the Hill residence, to check up on our dear little Tessa, who had only just made it out of hospital! The poor little girl was a little bit tender at first, but was very quick to recover - it wasn't long before she was treating us to a few choice giggles and laughs. Sam was beside himself with excitement to see Lucas, and the feeling was mutual. Ted and Alicia, well... they simply agreed to disagree on most things.

As an added bonus, Nanna was there as well. She was quite chuffed to have all but one of her dear grandchildren gathered under one roof. This feeling of wellbeing soon wore off, however, when one of the aforementioned grandchildren passed on a rather nasty tummy bug that she brought with her from Sydney! Nonetheless, most of us (at least, those of us not evacuating their stomachs) had a great time.

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