Sunday, April 5, 2009

Queensland holiday part II

So, having said farewell to our cousins, the Birds headed south, towards Surfers Paradise, to partake in a bit of "Immediate Family Only" quality time. We actually stopped short of Surfers itself, and stayed at Main Beach, Gold Coast. We stayed at Oscar on Main, having booked some last-minute bargain basement rates there. We were all quite impressed with our suite, it was a veritable mansionette.

Of course, the main reason one goes to the Gold Coast is to visit the beach, and Main Beach certainly did not disappoint! The Oscar even had a little free-for-all store-room with kid-sized surfboards to borrow. Lucas found a surf board that he liked, and pretty much took it to bed with him. In any case, the kids had an enormous amount of fun in the sand, and (in Lucas' case) the surf as well.

Of course, being a luxury resort, the Oscar had its own pool (two actually) for those who tired of the ocean and took a preference for chlorinated water instead. Alicia was much more amenable to this kind of water, especially the heated sauna! Next time, we'll just have to try that bit harder to convince her not to drink the tepid water...

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