Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day at the beach

Well, the weather certainly isn't warm enough for swimming yet (and is probably a LONG way off being so), but that didn't stop a determined bunch of people from trotting off to the beach and playing in the sand.

I'm pleased to report that Lucas and Alicia (under Lewis' encouragement and guidance, I suspect) are finally starting to actually HELP me when I start making sand sculptures for them. Prior to this, Lucas would simply sit back and tell me it wasn't big enough, and Alicia would try to jump on any part of the sculpture that I'd just finished patting down and smoothing out.

The trio are pictured here on their heavily-modified, ultra-fast three-seater F1 racer.

A lot more fun this time around - pity Melbourne beaches have such coarse sand, though. Still, a beach is a beach...

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