Thursday, August 26, 2010

Handyman and artist

Lucas' school recently had a "student free day", which of course meant that Daddy had to take a day of annual leave in order to have a corresponding "Lucas and Daddy day".

I enforced a strict "one hour maximum" policy of electronic entertainment, and was happy to let him decide what it was he wanted us to do in the remaining time. We chewed up an hour or so on the workbench, trying to sand-down a broken branch into a nice, smooth gun shape. However, once Lucas realised that "Lucas and Daddy day" didn't necessarily mean "Daddy is your personal slave day", he got a bit fed up with having to work at the stick himself. So he asked if he could do a painting, and I said of course. I was about to get him some paper, when he objected, and said he wanted to do a "proper" painting.

"Proper? What, like on a canvas?"

"Yeah, yeah - a canvas. I want to get a canvas! Let's go and get a canvas."

Oh, foolish Dad.

So, off we went to an art store, and bought Lucas a "proper" canvas. He was absolutely chuffed, and immediately drew a picture that he could paint. He then happily sat outside, and painted every last square centimetre of his masterpiece.

A fun day, all in all. And the picture is still hanging in his room. 

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