Thursday, August 26, 2010

Lo hicimos!

We were doing a bit of gardening (i.e. hacking away at the overgrown and ill-tended vegetable matter in our front yard) the other day, when Alicia demanded to help us. Of course, we're not going to refuse, so she got the job of picking up the smaller branches that Daddy had, ahem, "pruned" off the tree, and putting them in the green bin, as well as broom duty.

Don't get me wrong - she was doing a fantastic job of it, and I certainly couldn't fault her enthusiasm. However, one thing that irked me (just a little bit) was the way she was constantly shouting, prancing around and singing about what she was doing in an almost painfully enthusiastic tone of voice. It took a while for the penny to drop, but then I realised what she was doing - she was behaving exactly the way that Dora the Explorer does in the cartoons! I had a little chuckle, but at the same time I made a mental note to perhaps cut back on the Dora episodes.

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