Monday, May 30, 2011


The Bird parents were beginning to despair just a little, in the sports department, with respect to Lucas. Don't get us wrong - we don't have any diabolical schemes to slave-drive our son to become a highly-paid sports professional, and retire off his future income. We simply wanted him to pick a sport that he liked, and (hopefully) stick with it.
  1. Athletics - nope
  2. Auskick - nope
  3. Cricket - nope
Finally, we tried soccer. As a bonus, quite a few of his school friends were enrolled this season as well, but that had also happened in varying degrees in all the other sports, to no avail.

Anyway, it looks like we've finally found something that he's quite happy to play and keep coming back to. I no longer need to drag him out the door, he's actually happy to get dressed and come without any cajoling required. Possibly part of the reason is that it was mandated that all kids needed to have shin-guards. He was absolutely chuffed with the shin guards.

I remember, when I gave them a rap with my knuckles to demonstrate how they would protect his shins, he said "So, I'm like a super hero, Dad?"

"Absolutely, Lucas. Below the knees you are, at least."


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